Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Do you know what introvert is?

Do you know what introvert is? It is a shy person. I am mostly a introvert. A lot of people think introverts are not confident- but that is not true!

I am an introvert and I am very very confident.  Just sometimes I don't like to talk to adults or strangers.  I also do not like to raise my hand and talk in a group or have friends cheering for me.  I think people should respect introverts even if they don't talk to you-even if you asked them a question and they don't answer-- because they have a different view to the world.



  1. Hi Zoe-
    I think this post is very interesting and gives important information. I also really like the way you worded your ideas. I would like to share it with more people if that is ok with you.

    I read a book about introverts this summer. It was called "Quiet." I think I also have a lot of the qualities of an introvert, too.
    -Mrs. Hernandez

  2. Mrs. Hernandez,
    Yes, it's okay to share. ;) :)


  3. Hi Zoe,
    This post really caught my eye! Thanks for sharing both this information as well as your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes I feel like an introvert and sometimes like an extrovert, depending on the situation, so I feel like I can relate in many ways to both. Introverts are often said to have a calming effect on those around them. Also, they are often seen as kind, thoughtful, focused, and very interesting company. I am intrigued to hear more about your likes and preferences as an introvert as well.
    Thanks again for sharing!

  4. Rachel,
    I think you are right. I feel like that sometimes too because at home I am so giddy and stuff and at school I am so quiet to strangers.
    Zoe ;) :)

  5. Zoe,
    I really enjoyed reading this and your feelings on introverts. You wrote this very nicely and I love your honesty. Keep being you because you are so special!

  6. Zoe,
    I really enjoyed reading this and your feelings on introverts. You wrote this very nicely and I love your honesty. Keep being you because you are special.
    Auntie Jen

  7. Hi Zoe,

    I love how you bravely and articulately shared something with us that is so personal. I can see how you have carefully thought this through, and come to the conclusion that there is nothing wrong with being introverted, and that you are comfortable with yourself. I tend to be more introverted myself, and I know there are a lot of misconceptions about introverted people. Introverts are not anti-social; in fact, we really can enjoy interacting with people. We are just as likely to have close friendships and stimulating social lives as people who are considered to be more outgoing. We are great public speakers, storytellers, and role models. We simply draw our strengths from having time alone to reflect and regroup, and do not feel the need to be the center of attention. As you mentioned in your post, we each see the world in different ways, and it is great to be mindful of that whether you are an introvert, and extrovert, or somewhere in between.

  8. Thank you , Aunt Jen!

  9. Mrs. Kirr's 7th grade ELA classOctober 15, 2015 at 8:37 AM

    Zoe, what does it mean to be "MOSTLY an introvert?" We notice that you took a risk by posting this about yourself. That is good. Being brave and outgoing are good character traits. Keep blogging and try to speak out.
