Saturday, May 30, 2015

4 new books and my new rating system


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Before I tell you about my books,I want to tell you how I will rate all my books on my blog.  Since I want to be a cake decoratar when I grow up, my rating things will be cakes. 10 cakes is the best, 1 cake is the worst.


Hildy is 8 cakes, my grammy wrote it.  It is about a girl who can't hear.  I didn't like that people were teasing her but in the end she makes them pay.emoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcake


You Were the First is 10 cakes, because I am the first in my family.   It is hard to be the oldest, so I liked reading about that.  The category from the challenge was pick a book based only on the cover and I saw it when I was at the library to get another book. emoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcake


Esme the Ice Cream Fairy is 9 cakes because its a fairy book. It is about girls who get an adventure from fairies everyday and ice cream tastes bad but they have to find her charm to make it taste good again. emoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcake


Layla the Cotton Candy Fairy is 10 cakes.  It is Rachel's birthday and all the cotton candy tastes like hard rocks so they haver to find her charm to make it taste better and the goblins steal Layla's charm! emoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcakeemoji cupcake

1 comment:

  1. Wow Zoe you read a lot of books last summer, good job!!!!!
