Sunday, March 25, 2018

March For Our Lives

On Saturday, March 24, I went to a march for gun safety. I really didn't want to go. I was afraid that there would be a shooter there. I even cried! But I still had to go. My family had to drive downtown to go to the Hemming Plaza where some kids and adults were giving speeches and singing songs. I kept cautiously looking around to see if anybody had a gun. But nobody did. Then a person came up on the platform where people had been singing songs and giving speeches. The person gave us a few chants to practice, and when we were done we started to march to the County Courthouse. I wasn't as scared as I was before I was there when we started to march with all those people, but I was still scared. While we all marched, we chanted several things, such as "Not One More!" and "Show Me What Democracy Look Like! This Is What Democracy Looks Like!" I felt a little proud to be there with my sign and chanting with all those people. It felt like a good and right thing to do. Once we all got to the County Courthouse, all of us stood in front of it and did more chants and took a picture of it to send to the local news so everybody could see how many people are fighting against guns. It was moving. After that, my family went home. After I had the experience, I wasn't so scared about it anymore. It had been a great experience, and a wonderful time. Here are some pictures of the march:

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Ducks in the Pool

I love ducks and all, and cute little baby ducklings, but I like them out in nature where they belong, NOT in my POOL. These ducks (2 of them, a boy and a girl, probably a couple) keep coming in my pool, and it feels like EVERY FLIPPING 5 SECONDS!!! Every time they fly in the pool and start swimming, anyone in my family who is there starts throwing pinecones in the pool, getting a pool net, screaming at them, and god knows what else to get them away. Oh, and guess what else adds to the fun?! IT'S MATING SEASON!!! CURSE THE MATING SEASON!!! WHY?! Just why does it have to be this pool?! And if the ducks build a nest by the pool, were stuck with them because it's illegal to touch their nest!!! They will teach the cuuuuute little ducklings to OUR POOL!!! Awww, the little ducklings are so cute CURSE THEIR PARENTS!!! My mom says that she is going to buy these HUGE yellow balloons with big red and black eyes on them. Hopefully it will scare the ducks away. It's supposed to. They are called Scare Eye balloons and they look like this:

Balloon Bird Repellent - 3-Pk - Fast and Effective Solution To Pest Problems - Scary Eyes Balloons Keep Birds Away From House, Garden Crops, Swimming Pools & More To Stop Mess and Damage
I know that they are supposed to freak the ducks out of the pool, and I hope they do, but honestly-they freak me out. Anyway, just warning anybody who has a pool and that it's mating season. For ducks, anyway. BEWARE THE DUCKS! And curse them, too. But not the ducklings.